Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Hanging Fire" by Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde devoted herself to writing against racism and sexism. Lorde saw different races and sexes as a "cause for celebration and growth" and much of her writing embodies those ideals.

"Hanging Fire"

I am fourteen
and my skin has betrayed me   
the boy I cannot live without   
still sucks his thumb
in secret
how come my knees are
always so ashy
what if I die
before morning
and momma's in the bedroom   
with the door closed.

I have to learn how to dance   
in time for the next party   
my room is too small for me   
suppose I die before graduation   
they will sing sad melodies   
but finally
tell the truth about me
There is nothing I want to do   
and too much
that has to be done
and momma's in the bedroom   
with the door closed.

Nobody even stops to think   
about my side of it
I should have been on Math Team   
my marks were better than his   
why do I have to be
the one
wearing braces
I have nothing to wear tomorrow   
will I live long enough
to grow up
and momma's in the bedroom   
with the door closed.

In Lorde's dark and somber poem, the reader sees the world through a fourteen year old's eyes. This young girl, who resembles Lorde, appears alone in her life, with her "momma in the bedroom." While Lorde is the author of this piece, she is speaking through this girl. Clearly this girl has had a rough life with "knees always so ashy" and one can venture to believe Lorde led a similar life as this girl. Through this girl, Lorde is able to explore the larger situation of the poem which is racism and sexism. This poem is not a story about a lonely girl but rather a social commentary on racism and sexism.
While this girl is only fourteen, she has already experienced racism as her "skin has betrayed her." Perhaps this girl has started a new school and she is overwhelmed with everything including racism. As a result, she needs her mother to come out of her room more than ever. Instead she is alone and life is changing all to quickly for her. Here Lorde is commenting on how hard life can be without a proper role model to show her how to cope with these changes. Lorde also targets sexism in this poem. This girl obviously is intelligent, so much so that she believes she should have been put on the Math Team. However, she was left off the team possibly due to a combination of race and sex. The spot on the team could have been a huge confidence boost to this girl but instead she is left in despair. Instead, this girl, like many other young African American girls were, is left as a "hanging fire." She has a burning desire to learn and has high aspirations but is worried her race and sex will drag her down. Lorde uses this girl, who can now only focus on death, to speak on the effects racism and sexism can have psychologically on young teenage girls.

1 comment:

  1. First: this is such a complex poem, and there are always going to be details that might be overlooked out of necessity when you're writing such a short analysis. That being considered, I think you did a very good job. I think it seems like you have the nuts and bolts of analyzing poetry down, so I'd challenge you to move past this type of observation-based analysis and consider this almost like a first draft - now you've got your observations down, what argument can you construct from it? It's possible to develop a focused argument, even in a small space like what you're doing here. Focus your ideas immediately and work towards what you think a theme statement for this poem would be - then your quotes and examples throughout will directly support it. It's just focusing and being specific, and explaining everything, rather than listing your observations (similar to what we've been saying all year). I think you ended up with a pretty great argument by the end of this, but you brought up some great ideas in your last couple sentences that would have been more effective if you had connected throughout and built up to them. Again, I'm not necessarily expecting all of this, but this is what you could do to improve, since you asked. My initial thoughts with this one was just having a good focus throughout and general command of language - you can vary some structures and language choice to give your argument complexity and sophistication.
